Tag: AB2200

AB2200 is the number for the CalCare bill introduced in February 2024. See the tag on social media: [ig tag=”AB2200″] [x tag=”AB2200″]

  • Thai Community Development Center Declares Support for AB 2200, the new CalCare Bill

    “Since its establishment, Thai CDC has addressed the multifaceted needs of Thai and other disadvantaged immigrants faced with substandard housing conditions and lack of access to basic health services, education, economic opportunities and quality employment.” Consistent with their history of work in the Thai community and the decades… -> -> ->

  • CalCare AB2200 Reading Group

    This group will be reading the text of AB2200. Join us for peer-supported study and education. (You don’t need to be Asian or Pacific Islander to participate.) Schedule Sundays at 3pm. Sign up with the form above to be put on the list, making sure to accept emails,… -> -> ->

  • CalCare Endorsers

    250+ organizations, including legitimate native tribes, have endorsed CalCare and the list keeps growing! If your organization has not yet formally endorsed this “healthcare for all” bill, please do so at: https://act.medicare4all.org/signup/calcare-bill-endorsement/ The CalCare campaign is endorsed by: Unions/Labor organizations Alameda Labor CouncilAlbany Teachers AssociationBerkeley Federation of TeachersCalifornia… -> -> ->

  • AB 2200/CalCare Timetable

    Build grassroots power and independent lobby efforts to advance the cause of Single-Payer healthcare reform in CA Note: The first stop in the Assembly Committee on Health will probably occur that week ahead of the April 26 deadline. -> -> ->

  • Critical Analysis of SB 770

    An analysis of SB 770, a multi-payer, anti-single-payer bill The term, “Unified Health Care Financing” is used 15 times, including the title of the bill. “Single-payer” is mentioned once after “including among other options”: https://legiscan.com/CA/text/SB770/2023 Assembly Committee on Appropriations Analysis: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billAnalysisClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB770# SB 770 is NOT a single-payer bill.… -> -> ->

  • Asians and Pacific Islanders letter to CA Assembly Committee on Appropriations in opposition to SB 770

    August 31, 2023 Assemblymember Chris Holden, ChairAssemblymember Megan Dahle, Vice-ChairMembers of the Assembly Committee on Appropriations 1021 O Street, Suite 8220Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: SB 770 (Wiener), Health care: unified health care financing — OPPOSE Dear Chair Holden and Committee on Appropriations Members, Asians and Pacific Islanders for… -> -> ->

  • API Healthcare Issues and Disparities

    What is a healthcare disparity? A disparity is a difference in treatment or outcome. For example, API, and other people of color, are experiencing above-average rates of Type 2 Diabetes. This is a disparity of healthcare outcome, and also condition. Due to historic and current oppression different groups… -> -> ->

  • What is CalCare?

    CalCare is the name of the California Single-Payer/Medicare for All Health Care System proposed by the California Nurses Association. The Legislative CalCare Bill in 2024 was Assembly Bill 2200, introduced by Assemblymember Ash Kalra. Democrats killed the bill by holding it in “suspension” in the Assembly Committee on Appropriations,… -> -> ->