This group will be reading the text of AB2200. Join us for peer-supported study and education. (You don’t need to be Asian or Pacific Islander to participate.)
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Sundays at 3pm. Sign up with the form above to be put on the list, making sure to accept emails, to get a link to the Signal chat and Jitsi meeting.
Date______ | Sections | Notes |
March 31 | Summary and Section 1 | Meeting 1 Notes |
April 7 | Section 2, presented by John D | Meeting 2 Notes |
April 14 | No meeting before tax day. | |
April 21 | Section 2 con., by John K, Meeting at 5PM | Meeting 3 Notes |
April 28 | Section 2 con. Chap 6. by John D, backup RG, Meeting at 3PM | Meeting 4 Notes |
May 5 | Section 2 con. Chap 7. by Taiji. Meeting at 2PM. | Meeting 5 Notes |
May 12 | Section 2 con. Chap 8-10. by John K, John DV, RG. Meeting at 3PM. | Meeting 6 Notes |
No meeting on the day before tax day. See below for meeting structure info.
Documents and Downloads
Bill text, and information about the progress of the bill.
Meeting Structure
The structure will be intros, then a session of answers to previous questions (first meeting has some prepared ones), asking for a note taker, then, a presentation by one of the group on one section of the law.
The presenter was selected at the prior meeting.
At the end, we choose the next presenter, and do announcements of required actions to take, like writing a note to your representative.
Total time should be between 1 hour and 90 minutes.
The Jitsi meeting room link will be sent by email and in the Signal chat. Join the list using the form above. To get on the Signal chat, contact
There’s a second channel, a Signal Chat, names AB2200 Reading Group. Contact We will also email a temporary link out occasionally.
Other Group Resources
John’s phone, for Signal issues: 626-710-8365
At the April 15 general meeting of HC4US, they will have an overview of the bill.