API for CalCare logo No on #SB770

Sell-Out Democrats Loyal to Private Insurers Kill AB 2200
in Committee

Graphic: Sell-out Corporate Democrats Kill AB2200 in Committee

CalCare, in the form of AB 2200, pointed a path to save the state $135 Billion a year and included programmatic proposals to address healthcare inequalities.
Read our post-motem opinion HERE: https://apiforcalcare.com/corporate-dems-kill-ab2200/

More public responses to the Democrats’ holding AB 2200 in suspension:

Pandemic Opinion: Why Mask Requirements at Community Events?

Graphic of woman wearing a mask and holding flowers in front of her heart. Text reads: "I mask because we should all be doing our part to keep everyone safe."

Why masking requirements are integral to building a movement for social transformation.

API for CalCare Urges the Chair of Assembly Appropriations to Advance AB2200

Read the letter to Assemblymember Buffy Wicks HERE


API Rise Endorses CalCare!

The mission of API Rise is “to make freedom possible for the community of current and formerly incarcerated individuals, youth and families in high-risk situations, allies, supporters, and their communities. We do this through culturally sensitive direct support, education, power building, organizing, and advocacy.”

As an Asian and Pacific Islander social justice organization, API Rise understands that the passage and implementation of AB220/CalCare will relieve a tremendous burden carried by individuals struggling to re-enter societal life following incarceration. CalCare will help their families and rebuild the healthcare infrastructure, including improvement of access to mental healthcare. As a single-payer reform, it will provide superior care to what is currently available, including dental/vision/hearing/long-term care/gender-affirming care without costly premiums/co-pays/deductibles!

Thank you for joining the movement to win CalCare, API Rise!

Please support the important work of API Rise Los Angeles: Visit their website and follow them on IG, Facebook and Twitter.

graphic: Over 250 CalCare Endorsers as of 240522

See the updated list of endorsers here: https://apiforcalcare.com/calcare-endorsers/

Send unions, organizations and business to fill-out this endorsement form:

AB 2200 Clears First Legislative Hurdle!

Read more and watch video from the hearing: https://apiforcalcare.com/ab-2200-asmhealth/

HC4Us and API for CalCare pre-hearing rally speech: https://apiforcalcare.com/april-23-pre-rally-speech/

API for CalCare Submits Letter of Support for AB2200 to the CA Assembly Committee on Health

Read our letter here:

Thai CDC Declares Support for AB2200, the CalCare Bill

“…CalCare would improve and expand upon Medicare and Medical by consolidating existing health care programs into a single, streamlined health system to cover everyone living in California…Importantly,
AB 2200 would create the necessary infrastructure to target and begin to dismantle the health inequities that our current unjust system is built upon.”

Chanchanit “Chancee” Martorell, Executive Director,
Thai Community Development Center

Read the letter submitted to the CA Assembly Committee on Health HERE

CalCare Single-Payer Reform Legislation Bill Introduced

Photo of Assemblymember Ash Kalra, Senator Dave Cortese at CalCare event link to press release by California Nurses Association announcing introduction of AB 2200, the new Single-Payer healthcare reform bill in California

AB 2200 Legislative Bill Text: HERE
AB 2200 Fact Sheet (FAQ) HERE
AB 2200 Legislative timetable HERE

Contact your CA Assembly Representative to tell them to advance AB 2200. Find your Rep HERE

Challenge your elected representative to take the CalCare Pledge HERE

Submit support letters for AB 2200 HERE and also send to info@medicare4all.org

AB 2200 organization support letter template: HERE

Print and share API for CalCare’s 2-half sheets/page flyer: PDF HERE.

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CalCare Town Hall August 2, 2023, Los Angeles
AB 2200 CalCare Graphic Blue with a graphic of the State of CA on a blue background of various people headshots and text over it reading "AB 2200 CalCare Guaranteed Health Care for All"

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