CalCare is the name of the California Single-Payer/Medicare for All Health Care System proposed by the California Nurses Association. The Legislative CalCare Bill in 2024 was Assembly Bill 2200, introduced by Assemblymember Ash Kalra. Democrats killed the bill by holding it in “suspension” in the Assembly Committee on Appropriations, chaired by Assemblymember Buffy Wicks.
The previous incarnation of a “Medicare-for-All” reform bill in CA, as single-payer policy framework bill, was AB 2200 which had been defeated in Committee in 2022. This was the first-ever true single-payer legislation introduced in the CA Legislature that did not include a loophole for the forces of “deny, delay and
Legislative bill numbers will change session to session, but the CalCare policy framework remains the same: To deliver superior healthcare to all Californians, at lower cost via elimination of private insurance profiteers who exploit our health for private profit.
CalCare would guarantee comprehensive, high-quality health care for all Californians as a human right and lead the nation in the larger fight for health care justice.
Here are some basic principles of CalCare, from our allies, HC4US:

See Also:
The HC4US CalCare Information Page – a simple overview, the text of the law, and details about how it would work.
National Nurses United (NNU) CalCare Page – lots of information and ways to get involved with this important fight!
Take Action
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