Tag: SB770
Asian and Pacific Islander communities absolutely need the infrastructure that AB 2200 will build for linguistically, culturally, and structurally competent care. Another thing that we, everyday working people, want to shout out loud about AB 2200… AB 2200 will be good for entrepreneurs in California! Small businesses could… -> -> ->
Critical Analysis of SB 770
An analysis of SB 770, a multi-payer, anti-single-payer bill The term, “Unified Health Care Financing” is used 15 times, including the title of the bill. “Single-payer” is mentioned once after “including among other options”: https://legiscan.com/CA/text/SB770/2023 Assembly Committee on Appropriations Analysis: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billAnalysisClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240SB770# SB 770 is NOT a single-payer bill.… -> -> ->
Asians and Pacific Islanders letter to CA Assembly Committee on Appropriations in opposition to SB 770
August 31, 2023 Assemblymember Chris Holden, ChairAssemblymember Megan Dahle, Vice-ChairMembers of the Assembly Committee on Appropriations 1021 O Street, Suite 8220Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: SB 770 (Wiener), Health care: unified health care financing — OPPOSE Dear Chair Holden and Committee on Appropriations Members, Asians and Pacific Islanders for… -> -> ->
Women Speak Out Against SB 770
Carmen Comsti, CA Nurses Association; Sheila Bates, Black Lives Matter of CA and Cheng-Sim Lim; Health Care For Us and Asian/Pacific Islanders for CalCare testify in opposition to the “United Financing” bill, SB 770 because it is an anti-Single-Payer bill and Trojan horse for for-profit interests that seeks… -> -> ->
Audio: CalCare AB 1690 vs. SB 770 with Tsukuru Fors on KPFK
This program focuses on Single-Payer Health Care (Medicare for All): from the reintroduction of CalCare in 2023 to other Health Care news and topics.Tune in for empowering interviews with intriguing guests and engaging conversations about how we can work together for Health Care Justice. -> -> ->
No on SB 770 Letter to CA Asm Committee on Health
June 21, 2023 Assemblymember Jim WoodChair of the Assembly Health Committee1020 N Street, Suite 390Sacramento, CA 95841 RE: SB 770 (Wiener), Health care: unified health care financing — OPPOSE Dear Chair Wood, Asian/Pacific Islanders for CalCare (API for CalCare) respectfully OPPOSES Senate Bill 770 (Wiener). This bill, as… -> -> ->
Yes on CalCare Means No on SB 770!
5 Reasons to Oppose SB 770 1. SB 770 and CalCare are mutually exclusive and SB 770 is designed to delay and derail Single-Payer reform efforts While their double-speak seeks to mislead many to think otherwise, the fact is that forces behind SB 770 include those that did… -> -> ->