Tag: CalCare
Chanchanit Martorell – Healthchare for Us on KPFK
Air Date: February 21, 2025 Founder and Director of Thai Community Development Center (Thai CDC), Chancee “Chancee” Martorell, is interviewed about the impacts of the the Trump/Musk authoritarian coup in Washington, D.C., ICE raids and ongoing healthcare inequalities faced by the Thai community. Chancee was born in Thailand… -> -> ->
CalCare 2024 Bill Introduced
CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE— 2023–2024 REGULAR SESSIONAssembly Bill No. 2200 Introduced by Assembly Member Kalra (Principal coauthors: AssemblyMembers Bryan,Wendy Carrillo, Connolly, and Lee) (Principal coauthors: Senators Cortese and Gonzalez) (Coauthors: Assembly Members Friedman, Haney, Jackson, McCarty, McKinnor, Ortega, Reyes, LuzRivas, Santiago, and Ting) (Coauthors: Senators Becker and Laird) February 07,… -> -> ->
The Majority of People in CA Support Single-Payer Healthcare
Reactions to the Democratic Party corporate sell-outs’ killing of 2024’s version of CalCare: API for CalCare’s statement: https://apiforcalcare.com/corporate-dems-kill-ab2200/ Assemblymember Ash Kalra, the first CA East Indian Legislator and corporate-financing free representative of AD 25, who introduced AB 2200 released this press statement:https://a25.asmdc.org/press-releases/20240516-assemblymember-ash-kalra-releases-statement-calcare California Nurses Association up to this… -> -> ->
API for CalCare Calls Upon CA Assembly Appropriations Chair to Advance AB2200
(The Assembly Committee on Appropriations is the second of seven hurdles that AB 2200 / CalCare must overcome to move forward in the legislative process. It must be removed from “suspension” and receive a simple majority “Yes” vote by May 17 in committee to advance to an Assembly… -> -> ->
Asian and Pacific Islander communities absolutely need the infrastructure that AB 2200 will build for linguistically, culturally, and structurally competent care. Another thing that we, everyday working people, want to shout out loud about AB 2200… AB 2200 will be good for entrepreneurs in California! Small businesses could… -> -> ->
AB 2200 Advances-Asm-Health
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Assembly Bill 2200, only the second incarnation of a true CA single-payer reform bill, cleared its first of seven legislative hurdles with a 9-4-2 vote in the Assembly Committee on Health on Tuesday, April 2024. The bill moves to Assembly Appropriations, with a simple… -> -> ->
API for CalCare AB 2200 Support Letter to the CA Assembly Committee on Health
April 17, 2024 The Honorable Mia BontaChair, Assembly Health Committee1021 N Street, Suite 390Sacramento, 95814 RE: SUPPORT AB 2200, the Guaranteed Health Care for All Act (CalCare) Dear Assemblymember Bonta, RE: AB 2200 (Kalra) – SUPPORT: As a statewide network of advocates for equitable healthcare for all, Asians… -> -> ->
CalCare Will Address Mental Healthcare Disparities Faced by Asians and Pacific Islander Americans
Asians and Pacific Islanders are among the most underfunded demographic groups in the United States. For so many carrying inter-generational trauma from war, persistent scapegoating and Model Minority Myth propaganda, we must increase the dialogue around these disparities and win CalCare, which will provide the means to begin… -> -> ->
CalCare Endorsers
250+ organizations, including legitimate native tribes, have endorsed CalCare and the list keeps growing! If your organization has not yet formally endorsed this “healthcare for all” bill, please do so at: https://act.medicare4all.org/signup/calcare-bill-endorsement/ The CalCare campaign is endorsed by: Unions/Labor organizations Alameda Labor CouncilAlbany Teachers AssociationBerkeley Federation of TeachersCalifornia… -> -> ->
AB 2200/CalCare Timetable
Build grassroots power and independent lobby efforts to advance the cause of Single-Payer healthcare reform in CA Note: The first stop in the Assembly Committee on Health will probably occur that week ahead of the April 26 deadline. -> -> ->