Tag: healthcare disparities

  • Recognizing Health Disparities Among Asian American, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islander Populations

    https://nationalhealthcouncil.org/blog/recognizing-health-disparities-among-asian-american-native-hawaiians-and-other-pacific-islander-populations By: Lillian Witting, MPH, Coordinator, Research, Education and Programs “Although the historical wins at the 2023 Emmys for a fun and reality-bending movie furthered the representation of East Asians in American media, there is also a need to recognize the history and very real health disparities of… -> -> ->

  • April-23-Pre-Rally-Speech-APIforCalCare-HC4Us

    Asian and Pacific Islander communities absolutely need the infrastructure that AB 2200 will build for linguistically, culturally, and structurally competent care. Another thing that we, everyday working people, want to shout out loud about AB 2200… AB 2200 will be good for entrepreneurs in California! Small businesses could… -> -> ->

  • Thai Community Development Center Declares Support for AB 2200, the new CalCare Bill

    “Since its establishment, Thai CDC has addressed the multifaceted needs of Thai and other disadvantaged immigrants faced with substandard housing conditions and lack of access to basic health services, education, economic opportunities and quality employment.” Consistent with their history of work in the Thai community and the decades… -> -> ->

  • API Healthcare Issues and Disparities

    What is a healthcare disparity? A disparity is a difference in treatment or outcome. For example, API, and other people of color, are experiencing above-average rates of Type 2 Diabetes. This is a disparity of healthcare outcome, and also condition. Due to historic and current oppression different groups… -> -> ->