Tag: Assembly Committee on Health

  • April-23-Pre-Rally-Speech-APIforCalCare-HC4Us

    Asian and Pacific Islander communities absolutely need the infrastructure that AB 2200 will build for linguistically, culturally, and structurally competent care. Another thing that we, everyday working people, want to shout out loud about AB 2200… AB 2200 will be good for entrepreneurs in California! Small businesses could… -> -> ->

  • API for CalCare AB 2200 Support Letter to the CA Assembly Committee on Health

    April 17, 2024 The Honorable Mia BontaChair, Assembly Health Committee1021 N Street, Suite 390Sacramento, 95814 RE: SUPPORT AB 2200, the Guaranteed Health Care for All Act (CalCare) Dear Assemblymember Bonta, RE: AB 2200 (Kalra) – SUPPORT: As a statewide network of advocates for equitable healthcare for all, Asians… -> -> ->