Plugin Block Test Page

Testing Social Hashtag Shortcodes: #AB2200 IG:#ab2200 X:#ab2200 ab2200 #AB2200

Source code for the above:

Testing Social Hashtag Shortcodes: [ig tag="ab2200" text="#AB2200"] [ig tag="ab2200"] [x tag="ab2200"] [tag]ab2200[/tag] [tag]#AB2200[/tag]

Social Hashtag shortcodes have three attributes: tag, text, and target. Tag is required, and it’s the tag used on the social media site. Text overrides the default text, which is “Service:#tag”. Target can be ignored.

The Tag shortcode links the word to the tag’s page on this site. Note that you can put the # in front of the word, and it’ll be stripped from the link, so it goes to the correct page.


The LegiScan:#AB2200 will link to the bill on California LegiScan. Source code:

The [bill tag="AB2200"] will link to the bill on California LegiScan.

Proposed: API for CalCare Subreddit

The [sr search="asian american lung cancer"] will search the API for CalCare subreddit for that phrase.

Proposed: Wikipedia

The [wikipedia tag="Article Title"] will insert a link to that page. It doesn't check if the page exists. It just does a transformation to make the URL.