Category: Health Categories
Diseases, types of healthcare, and other groupings under health.
Measles Outbreaks Spread to 9 States in U.S.
“One of the most contagious viruses in the world is spreading around the United States. So far in 2025 there have been three distinct measles outbreaks and at least 164 cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention coming from nine states. The largest of the… -> -> ->
Thai Immigrants Health Study
Study by Thai Community Development Center “In October 1999, Thai Town was designated in the East Hollywood area by the City of Los Angeles as a result of the rigorous campaign mounted by the Thai Community Development Center that began in 1992. The fast growing Thai businesses in… -> -> ->
Type II Diabetes Risk Among Asian Americans “…Why are Asian Americans at such an increased risk for Type II diabetes? Araneta’s research team looked for the answer by using CT scans to measure visceral fat (fat deep in the abdomen). “Visceral fat is this active endocrine organ; it’s not just a place where you… -> -> ->
The “Skinny” on Health Disparities among Asian Americans
Dec 14, 2018 The “Skinny” on Health Disparities among Asian Americans: Biological, Behavioral, and Social Determinants SPEAKER: Maria Rosario Araneta, Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, University of California San Diego Cohosted with Boston University College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College. Asian… -> -> ->
‘Hidden fat’ puts Asian Americans at risk of diabetes. How lifestyle changes can help “Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have higher rates of diabetes than whites, and are prone to developing Type 2 diabetes at younger ages and lower body weights than the general U.S. population. Among Asian subgroups, the risk of diabetes is especially high among South Asians, Filipinos and… -> -> ->
Asian American Health Initiative on “Health Disparities” faced by Asian Americans
Similar to other communities of color, the Asian American community faces tremendous disparities in health outcomes and indicators. Some of the more prevalent health conditions among this community include cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hepatitis B, mental health, osteoporosis, and tobacco use. A sample of the data from the… -> -> ->
A Health Equity Approach to Obesity Efforts: Proceedings of a Workshop “Maria Rosario (Happy) Araneta, professor of epidemiology at the University of California, San Diego, discussed obesity among Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. Asians represent 6 percent of the U.S. population, she reported, and in 2010 surpassed Hispanics as the largest immigrant population arriving in the United States… -> -> ->
AANHPI Mental Health
Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander – -> -> ->
Metabolic Syndrome and Asians (6 Articles)
Asian Americans have greater prevalence of metabolic syndrome despite lower body mass index Metabolic syndrome prevalence is significantly higher in Asians compared with NHWs for every BMI category. For women at the mean age of 55 and BMI of 25 kg m–2, the predicted prevalence of metabolic syndrome is 12%… -> -> ->
On February 23, 2016, NIMHD and the NIH Asian and Pacific Islander American Organization (APAO) Research in Diverse Asian American Populations
Asian Americans face health disparities in cancer, chronic diseases, such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes, mental health, and among the elderly. -> -> ->