Code of Conduct

Draft Code of Conduct v0.1

This document has not yet been approved by the membership of API for CalCare. It is presented as a draft for further discussion by the members.

  • CalCare principles must be read and understood by all members.
  • We do not engage in transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, ageism, ableism, heightism, body shaming, or other bigotry or oppression.
  • We strive to become educated, to understand and end racism, patriarchy, class domination, and other oppression. If anyone engages in these oppressive behaviors, the individual may be called to account, criticized, educated, and possibly: censured, put on probation, or expelled.
  • We will make concrete efforts to undo the effects of oppression, by developing leadership of oppressed, and developing humility in the oppressors.
  • We work for the liberation, health, and safety of the poor and working class, of all races, religions, nationalities, and genders. We strive to practice solidarity.
  • We will show up on time, and inform others if we are going to be late.
  • We will not sexually harass anyone. This includes nonconsensual sexual contact or unwanted sexual attention, physical, verbal, or virtual. If anyone engages in these oppressive behaviors, the individual may be called to account, criticized, educated, and possibly: censured, put on probation, or expelled.
  • We use praxis, an ongoing cycle of: action -> gathering results -> analysis -> planning action.
  • We work as peers rather than commanders and followers; through communication and agreement, when possible, and through voting or a managerial hierarchy, when necessary.
  • Work tasks should be documented and recorded, and credit be given accurately.
  • In matters of public elections, we will be frank and honest in private, even if we must regulate communications publicly. If secrecy is necessary, we maintain secrets. Spies will be expelled.
  • Every member must know and agree to the Rules of the Organization.

The following readings of other organizations’ Codes of Conduct are recommended: