CalCare is a Movement - small version of meme graphic quote by @Ash_Kalra

The Majority of People in CA Support Single-Payer Healthcare

Reactions to the Democratic Party corporate sell-outs’ killing of 2024’s version of CalCare:

API for CalCare’s statement:

Buffy Wicks lied to the late Ady Barkin and the LA Times after holding AB 2200 “in suspense” to kill it without public accountability and to avoid a potential winning Assembly Floor vote. This video is from @Hollywood4CalCare

Assemblymember Ash Kalra, the first CA East Indian Legislator and corporate-financing free representative of AD 25, who introduced AB 2200 released this press statement:

California Nurses Association up to this point has been the driving force behind both AB 1400 and AB 2200. Both these bills, authored by their lead Legislative Analyst, Carmen Comsti, were the first true single-payer bills in CA to eliminate corporate private-insurer control over public healthcare funding and include programmatic solutions for addressing healthcare inequality.

Social Media posts

@hc4us on Twitter:

Thread by @Skoldylocks on Twitter:

@BroOfDiffMo on Twitter:

@ed4singlepayer meme post AB2200-2
@ed4singlepayer meme post AB2200-1
graphic of Ash Kalra quote, "CalCare is a movement for healthcare justices. Movements don't stop because a bill dies. Movements only stop when we stop. And, we're not stopping."
PostAB2200-Twitter Statement from @Ash_Kalra
Post AB2200 – Twitter Statement from @Ash_Kalra

Letters to the Editor

Scott Tucker-Letter to LA Times
Carol Fodera -Letter to LA Times


